Recent publications
- Brosens, D., Croux, F., & De Donder, L., (2018). Barriers to prisoner participation in educational courses: Insights from a remand prison in Belgium. International Review of Education. (For more info, click here)
- Brosens, D. (2019). Prisoners’ participation and involvement in prison life: Examining the possibilities and boundaries. European Journal of Criminology, 16(4), 466-485.
- Brosens, D., De Donder, L., Smetcoren, A.-S., & Dury, S. (2019). Exploring educational opportunities for foreign national prisoners in Europe. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. (For more info, click here)
- Croux, F., Brosens, D., Vandevelde, S., & De Donder, L. (2019). Foreign national prisoners in Flanders (Belgium): Motivations and barriers to participation in prison programmes.European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 25(2), 171-188.